LynTec Square D Bolt-on Motorized Breaker 30A Single Pole ECB14030G3
Item Code: MBR-30
Bolt-on Motorized Breaker, Square D #ECB14030G3, 30 Amp, Single Pole/h2>
Based on Square D's latest generation of motorized breaker technology. Each breaker is rated for 200,000 on/off/on cycles and has a mean time to failure of 900,000 on/off/on cycles. The motorized mechanism enables opening and closing of contacts when the circuit breaker handle is ON. Contacts remain unable to close remotely if the handle is OFF or the breaker is tripped. A manual override selector on the circuit breaker's front allows for emergency power control. Additionally, contact status indication ensures accurate reflection of the branch circuit's true status at the remote location.
- Plug-in control circuiting
- High Magnetic
- Bolt-in/Seismic rated
- 65kAIC @ 120V
- 14kAIC @ 208
For use with RPC and LCP Series Panels.