Dedolight Fixture Onboard Power Supply 150W
Dedolight Fixture Onboard Power Supply 150W DLHM4-300
The self-contained Dedolight DLHM4-300 works with an integrated 150W electronic transformer. This Dedolight plugs directly into the wall at 120V. The onboard power supply steps the voltage down to 24V. Uses the 150W 24V Bulb. The onboard dimmer makes this light extremely versatile and easy to use. Just pull it out, pop it on a stand, plug into 120V AC Power and bring the dimmer up to the light level your desire! The Dedo Lights head may also be externally dimmed through most dimming systems designed for use with electronic power supplies. Features: New Dedolight Asperics2 optics Drastically improved light output 24V/150W integrated electronic power supply Dimmable Technical Data: DLHM4-300 Weight: 2.2 lb. (1.02 kg) Max wattage: 150W Beam control: Continuously variable Mounting: To any 5/8" (16mm) stud Operating position: Any except upside down Don't forget to order Bulbs and Barndoors!